A 10-minute walk to the park for all

How close is the nearest park to your home? How often do you visit? Do you have your favorite spots within the park and little corners that feel like your own backyard?

Last month, leaders from 134 cities across America joined a new campaign to give all Americans a park or green space within a 10-minute walk (or half-mile) from home. Can I get a round of applause?!

The mayors who joined the vision represent cities of all sizes, from Oaklahoma City to Newark to Los Angeles. They’re armed with studies that show the impact high-quality parks have on health of cities and their residents. “These include physical and mental health benefits, by providing opportunities to be physically active and to interact with nature; economic benefits by boosting business and helping to revitalize neighborhoods; community-building benefits by providing opportunities for neighbors to interact with each other and work together to improve their surroundings; and environmental benefits by cleaning and cooling the air, improving climate resilience, and providing opportunities for environmental education.”

The advocacy campaign to ensure a park within a 10-minute walk for all Americans was established by The Trust for Public Land, National Recreation and Park Association, and the Urban Land Institute. Together with the partnership of urban leaders, they plan to launch the multi-year campaign in 2018. It’s an ambitious goal, but having experienced the benefits of beautiful green spaces our whole lives, we’re so excited to follow along and support this project! Giving every American the joy of a park to call home is a noble endeavor.

Bravo, mayors. Bravo, cities. Bravo, 10-Minute Walk to a Park Campaign. We’re with you.

The campaign is still in its early stages, but you can help support the cause by thanking your mayor for publicly endorsing the campaign (or requesting their support) and by sharing the vision of a 10-minute walk with your networks.

Read more and sign up for news at 10minutewalk.org. You can also read the full press release here.