Pass the Time on the Bus With One of These Anywhere Games

In our city, thereā€™s an announcement frequently heard through each train car ā€“ an appeal to punctuality and time-management.

ā€œDonā€™t wait for your train,ā€ the voice chirps, ā€œMeet it! Download the transit app today.ā€

We have apps and APIs aplenty informing us about the latest bus schedules and subway train delays, but no matter how well weā€™ve planned the route, there are always a few minutes to spare waiting on transit or en route.

Itā€™s nice to have a few simple games in your back pocket for moments like these when traveling with kids.

Here are our favorite imaginative games to play on the cross-city bus ride. We call them Anywhere Games. No playing cards, no screens, no pen and paper required; just your thinking caps.

San Francisco skyline from the train window.

20 Questions

A classic guessing game that even the littlest minds can enjoy. Think of an object, person, place, vehicle, type of food, animal (the options are endless) and answer yes/no questions from your traveling partners until they guess what it is.Ā 

Steal my story

Start with the customary ā€œOnce upon a timeā€¦ā€ and spin a wild tale for your listeners ā€“ only stop short of the best part. From there, have someone steal your story and take it in their own direction. A tried and true excercise in creative writing, minus the writing!

If I were a ___

A simple imaginative game with endless possibilities. Take turns explaining what life would be like if you were something or someone else. If you were a firefighter or a grandmother or an elephant, what would you eat? Where would you sleep? What would you play with? Where would you live? What about if you lived in a different city or part of the world?

I spy

The old standby that really can be played anywhere. Spy something with your little eye and give a single hint to your guessers. Divulge only one hint at a time to keep them guessing. Whoever cracks the case is the next spy.

Lyric Wizard

There are two ways to play Lyric Wizard, a game perfect for older kids or those who have a high level of musical literacy. Guess the name of a song based on a few lines of lyrics or a few hummed notes. Or be a true wizard and make up a story together using only song lyrics.

We can’t guarantee your train or bus will be on time. But when you have a few minutes to fill, we’ve got you covered with these simple anywhere games.

Parents: 1, Boredom: 0.