Two-Handed Coffee Drinking

Autumn has arrived, and with it the familiar tug of slower rhythms, steadier schedules, and routine. I’ve found myself refocusing on the most important things with the change of season and setting intentions for the remainder of the year.

It’s always surprising to discover that simple changes can have a big impact. Two-handed coffee drinking is just that — an attempt to create one small habit that will affect my entire day.

I heard about the concept some time ago, but remembered after reading the widely-circulated article from the Guardian about smartphone addiction. It was unsettling to find myself one of many people whose smartphones are the last thing they use before bed and the first thing they grab upon waking. There’s no question that I spend more time on my iPhone than I’d like, and much of it happens in the morning. It’s nearly always “important” stuff I’m checking on my phone — emails, weather, calendar, to do lists — and the important stuff is nearly always followed by the compulsion to check everything else too.

Two-handed coffee drinking is my way of taking back my morning. Instead of absentmindedly gulping down coffee with one hand and scrolling my phone with the other, I’ve started holding my mug with two hands. It’s amazing how much brain space is freed by this simple change! I have meaningful conversations with my family instead of mumbling a distracted response. My thoughts are whole and present rather than occupied by the contents of an email or the difficulties of an upcoming task. And best of all, I’ve entered the day slowly, in control of my smartphone (rather than the other way around), and by thoroughly enjoying my cup of hot coffee.

It’s amazing how much brain space is freed by the simple change of holding my mug of coffee with both hands.

If you also find yourself easily distracted in the morning by the impending tasks of the day, try drinking your coffee (or tea or matcha or kombucha) with both hands. Do nothing except enjoy your beverage — no reading or scrolling or screens of any kind.

Mornings are packed with potential to set the tone of the entire day. The simple habit of drinking my coffee with two hands has helped me reclaim time wasted on my phone and meet the day with intention and care in addition to getting a full dose of uninterrupted caffeine. Win-win!  ✋🏽☕️🤚🏽


